Prince Franz Josef Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein (* 19.11.1962, † 28.2.1991) Sovereign Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein Prince Philipp Erasmus of Liechtenstein Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein Princess Nora of Liechtenstein |
 Sovereign Prince Franz Joseph II of Liechtenstein (* 16.8.1906, O 7.3.1943, † 13.11.1989) |
 Prince Aloys of Liechtenstein (* 17.6.1869, O 20.4.1903, † 16.3.1955) |
Prince Alfred of Liechtenstein (* 11.6.1842, O 26.4.1865, † 8.10.1907) |
Prince Franz de Paula of Liechtenstein (* 25.2.1802, O 3.6.1841, † 31.3.1887) Sovereign Prince Aloys II of Liechtenstein |
Countess Countess Julie Potocka (* 10.8.1818, O 3.6.1841, † 21.5.1895) |
Princess Henriette of Liechtenstein (* 6.6.1843, O 26.4.1865, † 24.12.1931) Sovereign Prince Johann II of Liechtenstein Sovereign Prince Franz I of Liechtenstein |
Sovereign Prince Aloys II of Liechtenstein (* 26.5.1796, O 8.8.1831, † 12.11.1858) Prince Franz de Paula of Liechtenstein |
Countess Franziska Kinsky of Wchinitz and Tettau, Princess consort of Liechtenstein (* 8.8.1813, O 8.8.1831, † 5.2.1881) |
 Archduchess Elisabeth Amalie of Austria (* 7.7.1878, O 20.4.1903, † 13.3.1960) |
 Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria (* 30.7.1833, O 4.11.1856, O 21.10.1862, O 23.7.1873, † 19.5.1896) Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria |
Archduke Franz Karl of Austria (* 17.12.1802, O 4.11.1824, † 8.3.1878) Duchess Marie Louise of Parma, Empress consort of France Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria Archduchess Maria Leopoldina of Austria, Empress consort of Brazil |
Princess Sophie Friederike of Bavaria, Archduchess of Austria (* 27.1.1805, O 4.11.1824, † 28.5.1872) Princess Elisabeth Ludovika of Bavaria, Queen consort of Prussia Princess Amalie Auguste of Bavaria, Queen consort of Saxony Princess Ludovika of Bavaria |
 Infanta Maria Theresa of Portugal (* 24.8.1855, O 23.7.1873, † 12.2.1944) Infanta Maria José of Portugal Infanta Marie Anne of Portugal, Grand Duchess consort of Luxembourg Infanta Maria Antonia of Portugal |
King Miguel I of Portugal (* 26.10.1802, O 24.9.1851, † 14.11.1866) Infanta Maria Isabel of Portugal, Queen consort of Spain Emperor Pedro I of Brazil, King Pedro IV of Portugal |
Princess Adelheid of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg (* 3.4.1831, O 24.9.1851, † 16.12.1909) |
 Countess Georgina of Wilczek, Princess consort of Liechtenstein (* 24.10.1921, O 7.3.1943, † 18.10.1989) |
Count Ferdinand Maria of Wilczek |
Countess Norbertine Kinsky of Wchinitz and Tettau |